Mt. Vernon / Ashford-Dunwoody Intersection - Bicycle Safety

About four years ago, the PCIDs redesigned the intersection of Mount Vernon & Ashford-Dunwoody. Headed northbound on Ashford-Dunwoody to eastbound Mt. Vernon is a new "merge" lane. It's been designed to slow down cars when they turn onto Mt. Vernon. The merge has a sharper angle, and they added a long cement barrier which extends out like a point

In Dunwoody's Master Transportation Plan, the entire length of Mount Vernon is planned to have bike lanes. These will be built as the city resurfaces each segment. In 2012, the city installed bike lanes on Mt. Vernon west from this intersection to the Sandy Springs city border. East of the intersection there presently are NO bike lanes or painted bicycle facilities.

Riding eastbound (bottom to top as pictured above), it's very dangerous for a bicyclist to merge past this intersection, to get onto the right-lane past the cement lane divider.

On April 23, 2011 I submitted a See Click Fix ticket for this issue and it was not addressed.  It is Archived with a status of closed on 5/24/2011 with the comments:

“Thanks. We'll get it taken care of.”

I’ve just opened up a new ticket & referenced the one from 2011. Please go here & vote to have it fixed:

I'm adding some very inexpensive suggestions to improve safety for this intersection. If you have others, please post in the comments & I'll forward them on to our city's Public Works Department.

Here's a rough sketch of some ideas:

Copyright: 1st grade Art Class Doodler, Inc.
